My oh my, two posts within three weeks of each other! A first for sure. But I have to share just a bit about the 5-day Filter Photo Festival I attended in Chicago last week.
All I can say to other photographers is: DON'T MISS IT IN 2012!!! And yes, I am shouting. This one of the best organized, people-friendly, informative and community-building photography events around. Not that I'm an expert -- it was my very first Portfolio Review, after all-- but it's hard to imagine anything much better than this. My only concern is that it will get too popular and possibly lose the sense of intimacy and family that we experienced this year. But I'm sure the wonderful organizers and volunteers you see pictured above will work it out no matter what happens.
I have just written the Filter Photo Fest organizers an email in which I described how the festival was for me. This is what I said:
"Oh my, what can I say about those five days and nights?!! It is simple. My life as a photographer will never be the same again. I will mark my photographic journey as pre-Filter Photo Fest and post-Filter Photo Fest. I came to Chicago as a passionate photographer and that has not changed. What has changed is my confidence in my work as worthy of being seen, my sense of being part of a loving and supportive community, and the knowledge that my work has wings that will soar to places I cannot imagine.
"The responses by my sister and brother photographers and portfolio reviewers to my self portrait project, Falling Into Place, let me know that I have created a body of work that touches people deeply. It is now up to me to see that it gets out there in every way I can. And, thanks to Filter Photo Festival, I have companions at my side who are as committed to having it seen as I. I am no longer alone. And that is priceless.
"Thank you, dear Filter Photo Fest organizers, volunteers, reviewers, workshop, panel and lecture presenters, and especially each and every participant. I will be forever indebted to you. May your lives be as rich as you have made mine. And may we meet again...
in loving gratitude,
What I don't say is what they already know: Doors were opened for me as a result of the Portfolio Reviews and I am now on the threshold of a bigger, broader world than I could ever have imagined. To mix my metaphors completely, as the seeds bear fruit, I will post here and let you know so you can taste the juicy richness with me.
Oh my, life is so good.